Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Day three

North Twin Lake
today was OK nothing really stuck out to me right now but its still a fun day. I got to saw a tree, large a stream and clear a path. We split into two different groups to volunteer at the North twin lakes and the at sparks lakes/ stream. We left the camp at 9:30 and when we got there. We got introduced to the trail clearer's who helped led us around. We hiked around the lake which was 2 miles (1.8) . Some parts of the hike were steep but some areas were easier then the others. I was helping with clearing the paths by cutting the exes branches that were on the trail. I also got to saw off two branches and it was fun. it was definitely a new thing I've done. My right arm is going to be really muscular then my left one. but I'm going to try to work on the my left strength. I was originally picking up trash but there was not a lot of trash to pick up so my leader and I traded jobs. she got to pick up trash and I got to cut small bushes off the pathway. Although I was mad at my fellow camper because this person was getting on my nerve. the camper was pushing my buttons because I kept doing something on my own but she didn't approve of me doing something my way. I'm usually a person that does solo. the person did not like me doing something my way even though it was right even though i did it a different way. but I wasn't really to bothered by it at first until it kept on happening over and over again. I feel like I'm irradiated right now because we were chosen into different vans. And i don't want to be with my friends I can survive with out her i just wanted to try something new with both other people who I haven't gotten to really know and talk with. This morning I woke up 3 times  it was cold I had to go bathroom all times. I was scared because I thought I heard someone talking. and I didn't want to walk over to the restroom because it was dark and super far away. So don't tell anyone i grabbed my wipe and walked to bush nearby the tent . And i kinda missed the ground and got it over my leg and i was mortified i smelt like pee and it was disgusting. So i didn't want to walk back to the tent and sleep in it that's gross so i changed. I change my whole pjs. tonight was fun we played games , went swimming.  Played "if I went to space I'm taking" and that game is hard at first but it was easy to catch on. we then played cards and ninja. I was the champion at it until I lost. By the way I cant post everyday because we are in the mountains and I don't have wifi at all times so bear with me.                                                  

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